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Here you will find the juggles and struggles of my life, from funny to serious and how I deal with them. God and my family are very important to me and I hope that will be obvious in the content of this blog. Feel free to: take the Bible quiz, bookmark this blog, leave a comment or email a post to a friend. Whatever you do, enjoy your stay and stop by again soon! God Bless, Kathleen

Current News

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Enough is Enough

Disclaimer: This blog was written under the influence of illness and the statements herein may not be held against the author.

This may have to be filed under complaining, but I'm tired of being sick and sick of being sick and tired. Wow, now that I said it, I feel like a baby. Poor thing, I have a bug for a week and I'm fussing about it. I suppose that my currently feeling yucky isn't helping my mental state, but can't I keep feeling better instead of feeling worse again as evening approaches? I felt better earlier...

Besides being totally exhausted, I have this major headache and congestion. Have you seen that commercial where the people's heads swell up with their congestion like they're going to pop? That's how I feel. It keeps me from reading and doing things that aren't boring while I'm sick. Even checking my email is painful to my head. (not to mention my eyes) And, to respond when my head is in a fog is difficult, if not dangerous. (Please see disclaimer at top of this post.) Same with trying to process photos. My head just throbs and I can't think clearly.

At least Nascar is on, that's something good. It will be even better if Jeff Gordon wins. Oooooh, he got second place just now. At least he's top 5! I like Jimmy Johnson, Kasey Kahne and David Gilliland, too, but they didn't do as well today. Bummer! Jimmy got top 5, too. Yeah!

We've had dinners from pizza delivery to fast food from town to fried chicken from the local market and I'm ready to be well and cook again. Our oldest daughter has made dinner on a couple of occasions. That was cool. Part of the problem with this "bug" is that half the time we aren't hungry and then when we are, it's like we're starving and of course we got sick right before a payday and so there wasn't much in the house that's easy/fast preparation.

Oh well, we're on the mend and that's something to look forward to. Feeling better. Ah! Soon...

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