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Here you will find the juggles and struggles of my life, from funny to serious and how I deal with them. God and my family are very important to me and I hope that will be obvious in the content of this blog. Feel free to: take the Bible quiz, bookmark this blog, leave a comment or email a post to a friend. Whatever you do, enjoy your stay and stop by again soon! God Bless, Kathleen

Current News

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

"Grocery Store Gripes"

After being sick for almost a week, we were in need of some things so I headed out to our nearest Walmart, yesterday afternoon. You know, the "low price leader." Even though I was still kind of weak, it felt refreshing to get out of the house and walk around a bit.

I noticed very quickly that the price of groceries seems to be exceeding my grocery budget, by far. Was I only sick one week? Every time I go to the store, the cost of things has increased. On the upside, we are not poor. Very few people in America even have a clue what it means to be poor. Even the poorest people in our great country are rich compared to the real poor of this world; the ones who truly know what poverty is. In America, you can go to almost any church for help, not to mention all of the soup kitchens and government aid. Many of those who have "government aid" drive a better car than I do. (which also comes out of our hard-earned family budget, thank you very much!)

By the time I reached the register, I was about to fall down with fatigue and I had a splitting headache. Evidently, we needed more things than I thought. I think I must've waited in line 15 minutes, and there was only one couple ahead of me. But, of course, the lady at the register didn't know I needed to get home, so she proceeded to oooh and ahhh over their baby and talk to them like they had all day and no one else was in line. No, just me...the one about to pass out! I thought, "Well, she doesn't know how I am feeling and normally I'd be ooohing and ahhhing over their baby, too, so I'll just rest my head on this germ-laden cart and try to keep myself vertical." I almost left my cart full of groceries and went home.

While my items were being scanned, I noticed a sign that read..."Paper or Plastic? I'll take neither." "Walmart is going green." The sign then showed how you could purchase, that's right purchase, re-usable grocery bags to help the environment. Like I'm actually going to pay for, store and remember to bring back re-usable bags. You've GOT to be kidding me! Don't get me wrong, I'm all for taking care of the earth that God has given us dominion over, but lets not be ridiculous! Gas is approaching a million dollars a gallon and they want another .99 per bag to come out of MY pocket! It's bad enough that many items I purchased in the recent past have now doubled in price at this same grocery store. Okay, Walmart...you can go green all you want, but I'm not doing it until I legally have to; which I'm sure is on the horizon, if the liberal media and democrats get their way. God forbid. But, I digress...

I'd like to mention one other thing that really chaps my hide about grocery stores. It's when they use the shipping boxes to conceal the price tags of the more expensive items. Take the toilet paper isle, for instance. All the tags were showing for the four packs, but then you get into the 12, 18 and 24 and all of a sudden, it was pretty hit and miss. Mostly miss. Where were the tags? "Oh wait...I see one, it's under this big Costco size box that contain the packages of TP." Unless you were Gumby or about 1 foot tall, you couldn't see the prices on the bottom because the boxes were hanging over too far to be able to see them." Also, the other prices that you could see were not for the items above them on the shelf or, in some cases, any item on the shelf. So, in my feeble state, I leaned way over and used my arm and shoulder to lift the different boxes and finally make my choice. No wonder I was exhausted by the time I got to the register. Grocery shopping is hard work! Upon mentioning this problem to the lady at the register, she was upfront with me about the fact that they do this on purpose. As if I'm going to practically lie down on the floor to see the price labels...hey, wait...maybe I missed my chance to grab a little cat nap. Darn, if only I could go back and do it again. Oh, THAT'S RIGHT, I will be able to do it again; and sooner, thanks to the fact that I get a lot less for my money these days and will be back at the grocery store before you can say "pay day."

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