About this blog...

Here you will find the juggles and struggles of my life, from funny to serious and how I deal with them. God and my family are very important to me and I hope that will be obvious in the content of this blog. Feel free to: take the Bible quiz, bookmark this blog, leave a comment or email a post to a friend. Whatever you do, enjoy your stay and stop by again soon! God Bless, Kathleen

Current News

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

"New Tricks"

Okay, so I'm learning html and css code and how to design and customize things on the web. Those of you who know me are probably wondering how in the world I can do this. Well, I have NO idea! I'm as surprised as you are! I'm teaching myself, so maybe I'm a good teacher. More likely, I have resources and am using them: God, the web itself, books, friends, colleagues, etc...

Was I looking to learn this stuff? NO! It kind of just developed out of the desire to change things on my own website and blog. It started with a couple of things and has really snowballed, but I'm having fun doing it. I've found some tricks that I'm using to help my eyesight and strain, allowing me to be at the computer more than I have in the past year or so. Don't get me wrong, I'm still looking at the inevitable cornea transplants or blindness. But, I have improved my quality of life in the meantime. My daily activities aren't as impeded as they were before, and that is a major Praise the Lord, in my book!

Click on "My Links" at left, or this post title, to go to my newest blog (the photography blog) and see some of my customization. Who says, "You can't teach..." nevermind!

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