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Here you will find the juggles and struggles of my life, from funny to serious and how I deal with them. God and my family are very important to me and I hope that will be obvious in the content of this blog. Feel free to: take the Bible quiz, bookmark this blog, leave a comment or email a post to a friend. Whatever you do, enjoy your stay and stop by again soon! God Bless, Kathleen

Current News

Monday, April 28, 2008


Paul left for California early (3am) Sunday morning. He's off to open fishing season with his brother in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Virginia Lakes, more specifically. It's something he does each year if he can and he always has a fantastic time.

In March he stayed behind and homeschooled the girls while I went on an Exotic Mexico Cruise with my mom and sister-in-law. I'm so grateful that I have such a wonderful man to share my life with. It's just not the same when he's away, but I know he needed and deserved this time away and I'm glad that he could get away and be with his brother. He really works so hard for our family.

Before he left, he placed "Post-It" notes all over the place saying things like, "Your honey loves you!" and "I'm thinking of you." and "Miss me yet?" The "post-it" tradition goes way back to when we first moved to Idaho and Paul had taken a job that required him to travel 2 weeks or so out of the month. From the very beginning, he would leave notes around when he left so I would have them to find while he was away. I guess it was his way of reminding me that he loved me and was thinking about me as I went about my daily tasks as a stay-at-home mom.

That makes me think of God and how He gave us His Word to remind us of His love for us. A whole book of "Post-Its" that reads, "I love you." "I sent my only Son to die for you." "I will never leave you nor forsake you." "Do not fear, for I am with you." etc...

God left more than a book of His love, after He rose from the dead, and before Jesus ascended into heaven, He left us His Holy Spirit to be our daily help and reminder that He is still with us. We can draw upon His strength as we need it each day.

As I look outside I see more reminders of God's love...every buzzing bee, every colorful and blooming flower, every bird that feeds happily from our feeder this spring, every green blade of grass, every puffy cloud, every dazzling sunset. All of His creation is a daily reminder of His wonderful and eternal love for us. Thank you, Lord, for your "Post-its."

Click here for Virginia Lakes info.

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