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Here you will find the juggles and struggles of my life, from funny to serious and how I deal with them. God and my family are very important to me and I hope that will be obvious in the content of this blog. Feel free to: take the Bible quiz, bookmark this blog, leave a comment or email a post to a friend. Whatever you do, enjoy your stay and stop by again soon! God Bless, Kathleen

Current News

Saturday, December 6, 2008

"Deck the Halls?"

Today our house is adorned with outdoor Christmas lights for the first time since 2000. My mother in law and my father both died in 2001 and my husband has not wanted to do the lights on the house since then. I can't say I blame him. Working myself into the Christmas spirit has been difficult for me as well since our loved ones have passed, but I just love the lights. Well, today our oldest daughter decided to put up the outdoor lights herself. She asked her dad to help her and he agreed. I'm so happy that he finally has done this again. It may seem like a small thing, but I think it represents something much larger. It may be that he's letting go of something or moving on from something. Or, I could be wrong and it may be as simple as continuing to be the great dad that he is by helping his daughter accomplish something she wanted to do.

I took photos of them as they put up the lights. It did my heart good to see them up on the two- story roof, working together to accomplish a goal. My husband is never more sexy or manly to me, than when he's engaging our children and doing things with and for them. Good job today, honey! I'm proud of you!

We also put on the Christmas music, drank homemade egg nog and put up our Christmas tree. There aren't any ornaments on it, yet, just lights and garland, but it already looks so pretty.
That's part of what's special about Christmas. The times that we stop doing the normal mundane things and take time out to decorate the house in a different way, make or bake something you don't eat or drink year-round, or buy something you wouldn't usually buy.

Tomorrow we will go to an annual event. It's the Family Christmas Concert that we go to every year. Come rain, snow, sleet or hail we always attend this concert at our university. It always marks the beginning of the Christmas season for us as we normally don't have any Christmas decorations up at this point in December. It is just a fun evening. Mom sings in the choir and when the concert is over we traditionally go to IHOP for a bite to eat and to talk about the concert. It's not the same as when dad was here, but then...nothing is. We still have a nice time.

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